Herb Baked Eggs


Every month we feature one of Faye's delicious breakfast recipies. Enjoy this month’s Herb Baked Eggs.

Chopped fresh shallots (optional)

Fresh chopped herbs (approximately ½-1 teaspoon per ramekin, depending upon strength of herbs) 

Some quartered grape tomatoes (one per ramekin)

1 egg (per ramekin)

1 TBL heavy cream per ramekin

1 teas. Shredded parmesan per ramekin

Salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 375.  Spray ramekin.  Sprinkle the shallots, one half of the herbs,  and one quartered tomato in the bottom of each ramekin.  Crack an egg in the ramekin and pour the cream over the egg.  Add salt and pepper, top with remaining herb mixture, then parmesan on top.  Place baking sheet with ramekins in the oven for approx. 15 minutes, until the egg is done to your liking.

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